Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Thoughtful Encounter with Sadness

An interesting thing happened to me about 2 3/4 years ago.

I've been on Twitter for a long time...probably since it started. I didn't really see the point of it, trying to write various "life's moments" in 140 characters. (That's pretty hard for a chatterbox like me.)

Anyhow, at that time, several of my friends joined, and its popularity grew so that I began to look at it again. I noticed that I had followers that I'd never heard of -- people I'd never met, but who probably felt some kinship to me based on something in my profile or something that I'd tweeted once upon a time.

One particular follower was someone named "AshPEAmama."

I had several other "mommy" types" following me so I didn't think anything of it...I thought that I must know her from somewhere, and she seemed a funny, friendly person so I decided to keep her on my list.

Then one day I decided to look at her page to read her latest tweets.

This is what met my eyes:

Ashleys funeral is going to be on Saturday
Wed Jan 09 2008 18:58:01 (Eastern Standard Time) via web

That came just a little over a day after this tweet:

@DisguisedPoser yes of course! it's a beautimous purple and gold day here in Baton Rouge.

I was shocked. Stunned. Saddened.

What had happened? I had just started to follow her...to read about her sweet little family...and her "love affair" with what I guessed was her former alma mater.

I sent a message asking what happened, knowing that I probably wouldn't be answered. The suddenness of it all made me know that.

I kept her in my list. Not as a sign of morbidity, but as a way to remember. A reminder that "life is fragile; handle with care."

Tonight, I saw her name in my list of followers again.

Two and a half years later.

Somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to "unfollow" or "block" her.

I began to read through her tweets, hoping for some kind of answer to settle the pang of not knowing "why" in my heart.

I read through her trials and tribulations of being a mom of a "sproglet" and a "sequel," as she called her son and daughter. I looked at photos of her beautiful family and realized that she was married to a Brit just like me. It was like I was getting to know her; and yet I knew I couldn't...and that further saddened me.

Then I discovered this link. A post from a follower, written in tribute to her newborn daughter. I'm sure this man never would have realized what he'd really typed...just a bit more than two months before Ashley's death.

And written in the comments was the answer to my sad not-knowing:

"Ashley was the victim of an automobile accident."


Read the prose from this man.

Read the comments from the friends.

It will move you and remind you to remember how sometimes our worlds intersect...and "no man is an island."

It's okay to cry for someone's sadness, even when you've never met them...and never will in this lifetime.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Birthday Wishes Across the Ocean

Happy 60th Birthday to my father-in-law, Ian!

We hope he knows how much we love him!!

Just in case...here are a few reminders...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Fun in Photos

(How's that for alliteration??)

Since the daddy in our household enjoys meat with more meat and we gave him a charcoal grill for Father's Day two years ago, it goes without saying that his Father's Day meal is going to involve meat. And, as with this year's recipe, meat with more meat.

Stuart discovered a recipe for something called a "Bacon Explosion." (Google it...you'll find the recipe on the creator's site for free.)

And it was awesome!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Run, Rabbit, Run

The kids are a part of our county's 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Club. It's been a unique, interesting, and mostly-fun experience for them. Emily has been a member for 5 years; Edward just joined this year.

For the past two years, the club has hosted its own "fun show" to give the kids who don't show "professionally" a chance to experience the feeling of a show.

And, well, it's fun!

Both kids did quite well for themselves and had...fun. *wink-grin*

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless (Mostly) Wednesday

This is what happens when you give the baby chocolate chips with his pretzels...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Doggie Birthday "Eve"

Tomorrow is the 8th birthday of Buster Brown (our North American Peehound). We got him a new bed for his birthday, and he seems to be enjoying it.

Do you agree? *wink-grin*

Monday, June 14, 2010

21 Months Old!!

His sister teasingly wanted to know if he could "legally" drink now...

I told her I'd be taking him on a tour of bars later on...milk bars.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recital Day 2010

Today is my grandmother's 89th birthday (Happy Birthday shoutout to her!) and Emily's 10th recital day!!

As always, it was a (long but) beautiful show!

Their costumes were a bit different this year, but on stage they shimmered and flowed like the wind through flowers. Quite a nice effect!

Enjoy some dress rehearsal and recital photos:

Friday, June 11, 2010

End of School

We're finished. Capoot. Done. Fini.


The beginning-of-school photo (3rd and 7th graders, respectively):

The end-of-school photo (4th and 8th graders-to-be, respectively):

As I always say, what a difference a year makes.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

"Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

...how about you, you, you?"

Being part of a cyber school means that all of our learning is done online. Students "see" each other online in virtual classrooms or at bi-monthly "days out."

So, each year, our school organizes face-to-face get-togethers at fun places around our state. Entry is free for school students and their families, and it's a nice way to see classmates and teachers and meet other families in real life.

This year, we chose to go to the Philadelphia Zoo, a fun place for our whole family, especially since Ethan hasn't really been there in his conscious remembrance.

It was such fun! Especially since we got to meet some online teachers -- one beloved Mathman -- in person.

Enjoy some photos from our day: