Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pagoda Day 2008

Happy Pagoda Day!

Every year for the past four -- maybe five? -- years, we've celebrated an our-family-only-made-up-holiday the kids called "Pagoda Day." (<-- Click that link and this --> link to learn more about the "history" of it.)

Celebrating it is simple. We drive up to the Pagoda in the early evening after dinner and get a family photo in front of the famous Reading monument while singing the sweet and simple song "Pagoda Day, Pagoda Day"....

Well, that's the usual plan. This year our celebration was a bit different.

Being fans, but not necessarily followers, of the Pagoda, we had no idea that it was "turned off" earlier in the season so that new LED lights could be installed... Nor did we expect it to be shrouded in fog on our fun holiday night.

We'll need to return for a real Pagoda Day family picture, but below are a few shots I took to commemorate (and capture) this year's special day. And at least we made some memories...isn't that what's it's all about?

We nearly didn't find the Pagoda through the thick fog.
See the one light peeking through?

A photo of part of our family...

Usually our smiley guy, Ethan was NOT impressed with
his first "Pagoda-Day-in-the-Fog."
Hopefully his opinion will change upon our return?

The "view" of Reading from atop Mt. Penn

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