I hope you enjoyed a blessed Easter weekend...and didn't gorge on too many marshmallow bunnies or Cadbury eggs. *wink*
We had a good time sharing dinner with my family at my parents' house. Stuart and I made the cole slaw. We often are in charge of making that since Stuart has a severe carrot allergy, and we can make it sans carrots, unlike all the store-bought brands.
Now it's back to real life.
School started again today, and I'm pleased to say that the week off didn't hurt the kids in their studies. Both buckled down and finished all their work by noon. I decided to hold out a "carrot" of sorts to Emily to keep her focused. This "carrot" came in the form of stickers and a piece of candy. Hmm...amazing how a little piece of sugary goodness and some brightly-colored sticky pictures help immensely...but, hey, I'm not complaining. She struggles with staying focused, and if this works -- ALL the better!
We lost a very dear older friend on Good Friday. She was my "auntie" while we lived in England and taught me all sorts of stuff about English foods and customs. We had our first "high tea" at her house over the Christmas holidays -- our first away from family -- and shared many a "roasted meal" with her and her husband after church. We hadn't seen them since Emily was a baby since they moved up to Scotland to be closer to children...but they were always close in heart. And they will forever remain my English auntie and uncle.
Stuart and I were discussing "mumus" the other night. I was telling him about how when my mom was a girl she made them with some friends at a sleepover. Stuart didn't even know what they were exactly. I wondered from whence they originally came. So we turned to handy-dandy Wikipedia.com for some answers. Turns out the "mu'umu'u" originated in Hawaii. To learn more, click here. Always nice to learn something new.
Heard from the 7-year-old: "The most best foods of summer are Popsicles, lemonade, watermelon, and ice cream." All the best food in life comes loaded with sweetness, right?
Kids say the darnedest, huh?
My friend Angel's 4-year-old C'sa watched me take off my coat last week when we got together to have donuts. "I was wondering what you were wearing," she said matter-of-factly. I loved that my clothing choice for the day interested her. And I think she approved since we were both wearing stripes. *wink* Watch for this girl to be in charge of a fashion runway at some point in the future.
Photo art courtesy of BennyBlog. THANKS!
I don't know if I mentioned that Kiefer Sutherland's latest flick, Mirrors, now has an official release date. Did I say that the movie Mirrors has a release date? I think they finally announced a release date for the Mirrors movie.... Think I'm a little excited?? August 15th is the day that the movie will hit theatres. We have a new IMAX theatre going in nearby...wonder what this horror movie would be like in that sort of theatre...
I'll forgo my usual "5 Things to Be Happy About" list so that I can actually get this posted on Monday.
Enjoy your last full week of March.
1 comment:
C'sa would have definitely approved of your outfit Sunday; you looked fantastic!
Can't wait for the new KS movie to come out on dvd, I expect it will make a great TMHB night (assuming that you will run straight away to see it in the theater, LOL!)!
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