Only 10 more days until the first day of Spring! Hooray! Not that my allergies enjoy the springtime, but the rest of me does.
So Daylight Savings Time began at 2 a.m. on Sunday... And everyone in our house -- despite reminding ourselves on Friday and Saturday -- forgot.
Then, on top of it all, I also forgot that we "spring forward" and thought on Sunday morning at 7 a.m. (Standard Time) that Stuart had kindly set all the clocks back for us...since all of the clocks except my computer were saying the same time. My computer needed to be reset by me, of course. Except my computer had reset itself to the PROPER time for Daylight Savings Time....and when I realized all this, it was 8:20 a.m. DST, and we needed to leave for church no later than 8:35...and I was the only one up. Hmmm...can we say: PANIC?
Amazingly enough, we managed to pull out of the driveway, completely dressed and munching on sandwiches, at 8:40 a.m....only slightly behind schedule. And happily, we made it to church in time to beat our students to the Sunday School classroom.
It certainly made for a rushed morning, though.
Onward and upward...in other news...
FOX has decided to release a 2-hour prequel-movie for 24's Season 7...this Fall!! Can you feel the excitement of this fan? Oh, what good news that was to my ears! It will certainly help with the looooong wait until next January. Bring on the wings!
We had a visit to a 4-H club member's rabbitry last Tuesday night. 60+ rabbits! It made our 8 seem like nothing. It was truly amazing, especially when you consider how much food she goes through in a week. We came home and hugged ours, thanking them for being small in size and number. *smile*
Speaking of Tuesday...
The kids and I decided to mail ourselves postcards on Leap Day so that we would get the date cancellation to save. The clerk at our post office told the kids to watch for the cards to arrive on Saturday. It made sense. We mailed them from our post office so they wouldn't even leave the facility. Saturday, nope. Monday, nope. Tuesday...our cards finally arrived. Good thing we didn't send them Express mail.
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• a weekend away
• pennywhistle music
• grandma’s piecrust
• stuffed animals
• a pint of green beer
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• a weekend away
• pennywhistle music
• grandma’s piecrust
• stuffed animals
• a pint of green beer
* * *
In 1987, the year my oldest sister got married, she and her new hubby went to Williamsburg, Virginia, for their honeymoon.
Sweetly, they brought home presents for all of us.
My present was a shiny pennywhistle.
Being a flute player for a while by then, the pennywhistle made for a great new instrument to learn.
I played all the songs that came with the whistle and even picked out a few new ones by ear. It was a lot of fun.
The only problem I ran into was anytime I played it when our cat was in my room.
Somehow, the piercing tones weren't music to her ears.
I discovered this one day while I was sitting on the floor, leaning on my bed, and I felt teeth and claws sinking into my scalp every time I tooted a new note.
When I stopped, the claws and teeth disappeared and purring started.
When I began again, they reappeared and the purring ceased.
In the end, I put away the whistle and decided to read instead.
Sheesh! Everyone's a critic.
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