Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Learning Group Lessons

I know that I'm an adult (not just because of the constant reappearance of gray hairs) because I have kids.

Having kids means that I have to "act my age" -- most of the time. *giggle*

I've never been a fan of "nanny-nanny-boo-boo"s, or ditties, as I call them. In fact, my children know not to use them. I've told them over and over that our house is a "ditty-free" zone.

But today -- the first day of our homeschool learning group -- my daughter did a one-up that caused Stuart and I to regress a bit and do a high-five (secretly, of course).

Angel and a few others who know us will know of a particular girl in Emily's learning group class -- who will remain unnamed but who hails from a farm -- who has always treated Emily with haughty contempt (read: snobbiness)...not that she has reason to do so (see above). She's "queen" of the other girls in their class and rules with a cohort of equal snobbery.

You get the idea.

Well, today Emily told me that she noticed the new, fancy, bright-pink sneakers she was wearing were very similar to this girl's, with the exception that the other girl's were brown. Emily said she mentioned this to the other girl who retorted, "Yeah, but mine are way cooler." To which Emily said, "Yeah, but I got mine in Macy's in New York City."

Suppressing a chuckle, I asked what the other girl said to that, and Emily said she was speechless. "What could she say?" she wondered out loud. "How could she better that?"

You go, girl!

A-hem...I mean, be careful that you're nice to others, Emily....



Angel at Aduladi' said...

ROFL!!! Oh my, she cracks me up!! Secretly, of course, LOL!

Go Emily. Don't let them get you down!

Stuart said...

Go Emmy! Go Emmy! Go Emmy! How can brown sneakers be "cooler" than the pink ones anyway?