Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sweet Sunday

This song, "Let There Be Peace on Earth," is one I remember from my youth. We sang it in school; we sang it at church; it even played on the radio. Born in the '70s, at the height of the "Peace Movement," peace was a well-used, well-worn word, especially when at school where the "peace symbol" meant to be quiet.

I find it funny that today people demand the government to bring "peace" to the world -- both presidential choices were promising it, right? -- and yet they don't expect the same harmony inside their own lives. Kids bully each other, couples forsake their marriage vows, and drivers rage on the road...but the government should change all that for us, right?

...bring PEACE to us.

Peace begins in an individual's heart. It begins with me...and it begins with you. If each of us did our part, the world would be a nicer place.

But true peace only comes through Jesus Christ. He makes for a very sweet Sunday everyday!



Anonymous said...

I find the commandment "Be still and know that I am God" very challenging, yet when I get there, it is a very peaceful place. Thanks for just a few minutes of peace with you. :-)

carebear said...

Oh this was my FAVORITE song as a little girl. Since the words were so simple and was easy to sing. I remember shouting it from the rafters at church since I knew all of the words, everyone would turn around and look at me. I thought they thought I just had an amazing voice. ;)

Mom Watch said...

I adore this song as it brings back so many wonderful childhood memories for me of when my entire family would be sitting together in church. What an incredibly fitting song for the times we are in right now. I have missed reading and catching up with you--I cannot believe your little baby is so BIG now! Congrats and hope all is going well with you and the family!