Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve

The end of a year always feels like the shutting of a door to me. I feel like we are standing at the edge of an open door, looking out in front of us. When midnight comes, it's as though we've stepped outside of the door and pulled it shut behind us.

It's kind of odd since all we're really doing is ending one month and starting another. But it does feel monumental and symbolic to me each year.


This year, we had some friends over to play games and enjoy lots of snacks and munchies. We played several games, including Hedbanz for Kids and Quelf. But one of the favorites (for me) was the one suggested by Dawn, which included taking a somber photo at the beginning of the evening and a celebrating one at the end.

Everyone played along, and I think they turned out well. What do you think?

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