I'm going out on a political limb here -- something you won't catching me doing often -- but I know that my
In the wake of another bitter political election, I'm always left pondering many things.
My brain has been working overtime as it tries to fathom all the changes that will occur in the coming months and years. But it works even harder to understand this great need for "change" people feel our country needs. Is it the people who say this, or is it the news media?
As a former card-carrying (and, yes, I did have an actual PRESS card) member of the journalistic world, I am very sad. VERY sad. It grieves me to see and hear how one person can skew the news in a way to influence another. A very irresponsible use of the power of the pen, in my humble opinion...
Political reporting becomes a great big game of "Whisper Down the Lane."
I am even more saddened to see how the media far and wide taints our government and its officials so that it's like acid in the mouths of the people. Funny that no other government in the world gets such coverage.
Why is President Bush evil? Why do people want "change" from all that he's done? Do they really know that might mean? Did he start the war in Iraq? Or did he merely fight back after a terroristic attack on our nation? Didn't he have the blessing of Congress though? Hmmm...last I read, he had their approval...but according to the media the war is all his fault. Everything seems to be his fault. Yet, he's only one man.
Our government is made up of three (count 'em: executive, legislative, judicial) branches. President Bush did not cause the fiscal troubles we've faced...nor can he "fix" the economy. He can only execute the directives that Congress legislates...they're the ones with monetary power.
I wonder what it feels like to be him. How hard it must be at times to wake up in the morning, with the weight of the world on him, knowing how much he has to do in a day. Yet, he's done so willingly and humbly for eight years. How weary he must feel -- especially weary knowing that so many, many people hate him.
While I never say people don't have the right to an opinion, I think it's sad to base that opinion on what is read or heard instead of on actual experience. It's kind of like trying to describe the taste of chocolate based only on what you've read, not on actually taking a bite of it.
Walk a mile in someone's shoes...especially before you criticize them. If you think you can do the same job -- or do it better -- then by all means criticize, but if not, maybe show some compassion and give the person his due, realizing that NO ONE is perfect, especially not a political leader.
Am I happy about our new choice for president? No. But you won't see me criticizing him the person. I might not agree with his policies or his choice of appointments or even his attitudes, but for him the person I will pray daily. He'll need the strength to withstand the weight of the world on his shoulders...and he is, after all, only one man.
Okay...climbing down from my soapbox. *wink-grin*