It's a fresh start to the week...a time when I can catch up and begin again...a way to happily start out a new week....usually.
I'm not sure if my pregnancy hormones are out-of-whack or the lack of sleep is catching up with me...but today didn't start that way.
Emily had strep throat. We got her to the doctor and on an antibiotic and all was going swimmingly. She was definitely improving. Until...Friday night when she broke out in hives. Hmm... It could be a simple diagnosis of an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, except that she had the same exact sort of reaction this time of year two years ago...when the pollen was exceptionally high like it has been for the last week or so.
So it was not as easy as it seemed, though I immediately took her off the antibiotic, which she'd nearly finished, and began giving her Benadryl.
Our doctors are not available on weekends -- well, they may be but it changes so often I don't bother checking anymore -- so it would have meant a trip to the ER which could have lasted an entire day only to find out that no one knew the exact cause of the hives -- there are so many possibilities -- and we'd need to make an appointment with the allergist.
We've been down this road before, you see. Only last time, Emily wasn't on an antibiotic.
So today, I called the allergist's office only to find out we had to see our family doctor to get a "history" sent to the allergist. And then the allergist could do testing but not for the antibiotic since they only do that one day a month, and she has to be off the antibiotic for 6 weeks...and...and...and...
In my mind, I'm trying to juggle all of our other already-existing appointments with new-ones-yet-to-be-scheduled...plus, figure in dance class, soccer practice, homeschool learning group which ends next week with an end-of-year program.
Add to the scheduling headaches, cost factors. We just found out our insurance coverage changed from co-pays to deductible/co-insurances. Each family member has a deductible of $250 before the insurance pays for anything. AAAAAAAAAAA! Another visit to the doctor and a trip to the allergist and Emily will have definitely met her deductible.
Okay, so we've returned from the doctor's office with the diagnosis I knew we'd get: mostly likely a reaction to the high pollen count. And we've scheduled an appointment to the allergist to verify this in mid-May. And we'll cross the allergic-reaction-to-the-antibiotic bridge only if the allergist thinks it's necessary.
I think all my duckies are finally in a row...
A blinking light on the answering machine shows a missed call. It's our midwife calling to confirm the time and place of our ultrasound appointment... Next Wednesday, May 7th, at 9:45.... The very same day as our end of year program......the very same week that Stuart's out of town.
Back to the drawing board, right?
I'll be back tomorrow with more musings...until then, I think I'll take two aspirins and see you in the morning. Ooops! No, wait. I can't take aspirin...I'm pregnant.
All pregnant woman CAN take a hug, works better then the aspirin btw. SO here sweet Susie, hope this hig helps you throught the Monday evening and will give you a wonderful Tuesday.
THANK YOU, Jadie!! You know HUGS are always the best medicine!! :o)
Big Hugs to you! Hope to see you soon! It has been way too long.
(HUGS!) I can so empathize with you. We haven't had hives, thank goodness, but we've nearly had everything else. We have the same headaches with our government insurance, only our deductible is $1000 for the whole family! Which means we almost never get insurance coverage in any given year - so frustrating! But that's also part of why I was relieved to find the care at Bethesda to be so far, so good. Walter Reed and to a similar but lesser extent, Bethesda too, were sorely embarrassed by the "outing" they got from The Washington Post last winter. They've really shaped up. It's a lone bright spot.
Hoping she gets better soon!!!
(More hugs!!)
Thank you, Angel! I miss you, too!! But I feel your hugs!! :o)
Oh, Elizabeth! I cannot even imagine the frustration you must feel each year...esp. with your little one struggling with throat infections, etc. I'm glad you're finding the care at Bethesda better! Thanks for your hugs! {{{HUGS}}} back to you!
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