Sunday, April 15, 2007


In honor of Emily's "half birthday" today, I thought I'd share this funny story.

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I remember as a little girl mishearing words or phrases my parents or others said. For a long time, I thought the expression "to each his own" was "to reach its own." And "the pot calling the kettle black" was "the pot coal and the kettle black." Made sense to me.

Awhile ago, Emily, then 8, was trying to convince me how nice it would be to visit Florida. I'm not a fan of Florida after spending 2 1/2 weeks there in 1987 during "bootcamp" with Teen Missions. Hot, humid, buggy...not my idea of a fun place to re-visit.

Emily was talking about the beaches, so I mentioned a little word: alligators.

Her eyes grew wide. "You mean they roam freely down there? Even at the resorts?"

I said that I'm sure they did sometimes. Stuart interjected that they only eat the occasional tourist. I quickly added that they preferred frogs or ducks or other little creatures they could easily catch.

"Poor froggies and duckies!" Emily said which surprised us since eating a person should have been much more horrifying.

We laughed and said as much to which Emily replied with a shrug, "Terrorists should be eaten."

"Tourists...NOT terrorists," we explained.

The penny dropped.

But maybe Emily's on to something...

Maybe we should suggest that the government use alligators to help apprehend terrorists. They're cheap to hire and only require the occasional terrorist to keep them satisfied.

1 comment:

Angel at Aduladi' said...

After living in Miami for a while and then having a second home in Palm Beach, my MIL's wisdom regarding Florida is, "if there is a body of water in Florida, assume an alligator lives in it" (she has seen them swimming in the canals!).

One winter when we were there with just K.Z. (as a baby), we went to a "Gator farm" to see the "pet alligators". One thing they warned us was that stray gators would sometimes break in and roam around. Wouldn't you know it, within ten minutes we ran right into one on a walking path. We made a quick u-turn and gave him the right of way!

I'm with you about Florida. Love to visit (in the winter), but I could never see living there!