Thursday, December 20, 2007

When Life Hands You....

...a chocolate careful not to drop it.

Okay. Okay. I know the original saying dealt with lemons and making lemonade...but you get the gist.

You know when you make plans to do something and all the pieces are falling into place and you feel really proud of yourself and you're extra-careful to be sure to carry all those pieces so that nothing falls out of place (literally)....and then something happens in a split-second to change everything?

Okay, it's not the end of the world, but it makes you sit up a bit and assess your options.

I bought a little birthday cake for our friend last night. It was a little chocolate cake with a yellow smiley-face in the middle and pastel sprinkles on the top and pretty icing piped around the edge.

I say "was" because it looked that way until about 2.4 milliseconds before I got into the car to take it to her tonight.

I had in my hand a small, wrapped present and a card and the little cake in its packaging.

A step away from the car and....

SPLAT! (Very literally...complete with sound effects.)

The cake landed on the ground, right-side up, I might add....but "slightly" askew.

(Saying slightly is a big exaggeration...but the smiley-face was still there and still smiling.)

I had a choice at that moment: I could cry, or I could laugh. I did both.

My pretty, little birthday surprise was ruined, but it looked so funny I couldn't help myself. In fact, my whole family joined me in a whole-hearted, deep belly laugh at the poor little cake.

Take a look for yourself:

All was not lost since we could replace the little cake and still take it to our friend.

But I reiterate....when Life hands you a cake...for goodness sake, use two hands to hold it!


  1. I'm STILL laughing about this! Very funny entry!


  2. No too bad the cake still smile.


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