Friday, December 21, 2007

Believe in You to Keep Holding On

Photo thanks to BennyBlog

These two videos are in honor of Kiefer Sutherland's birthday today.

Sadly, he's in jail at the moment, serving a sentence for a DUI probation violation...but he still deserves to have a very happy day.

A friend of mine and fellow Kiefer fan said she's so proud to be his fan, especially at this time. And I couldn't agree more.

With so many Hollywood-types balking when they are caught breaking the law, it's nice to see one of them actually own up to what happened and take the punishment. As hard as it's been to watch (from afar, of course), I've been amazed at how he's handled the whole incident.

No passing the guilt or blaming others...just facing what he did, apologizing, and then doing what has to be done to make it right.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: He's an example of honorable behavior in the face of bearing the consequences of his sin.

All of us "sinners" should take note. Would we behave the same?

Happiest Birthday, Kiefer!
You're on our minds and in our hearts especially today!

(Be sure to pause the sidebar video player.)

Believe In You

Video thanks to Vaniamaria on YouTube


  1. This one is easy and pretty straightforward to explain. I'm still struggling over how to explain the younger Miss Spears' actions to the kids.

  2. Hmm...that is troubling...she and big sis' cause a lot of interesting conversations in our house. They've been in our prayers. :-S

  3. Good words Susie ,I have the similar idea.


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