Friday, November 17, 2006

On Chickish Flicks

I'm a sucker for "chick flicks."

I mean it. I love a good action, adventure movie, but I can watch the same sad, soppy, emotion-filled movie and cry almost every time.

As I sit here typing -- my face tearstained -- I just finished watching one of my favorites, Behind the Red Door. I can't tell you the number of times I've watched that film since I discovered it....and nearly every time I find my eyes filling up with tears and my heart squeezing inside my chest.

I know what's going to happen. It's not a surprise. I mean, I knew it before I watched it the very first time -- it's on the back of the box. But there's something about watching it that makes me feel like I'm there suffering through with the actors -- feeling the pain of his sickness and the loss of their newly rekindled blossoming sibling relationship.

I watched The Lake House earlier in the week -- All I can say is: Excellent! One to keep you guessing! -- and then River Queen yesterday -- nothing can describe this fabulous film.

But it wasn't until this morning that I found myself able to really let my emotions go (blame the hormones -- I did). And thank goodness, my hubby was there to soak up all my tears! It was like the stories were all floating around inside my head, haunting me with their emotional overtones.

Gotta love that!

Well, I guess...if you're into "chickish flicks."


  1. My favorite chick flicks are Moonstruck and When Harry Met Sally. Probably because they don't make me cry, just feel good inside...I *hate* crying because of movies (maybe that's an issue with me, I don't know). I got really angry at Click because it made me cry and I didn't expect it to (around hormone time). I wept like a baby and asked Joe to hug me 50 times. Dang that movie!

    ~ Kelly

  2. My all time favorite chick flick is Sleepless in Seattle. I think I've watched it 1000 times and I cry every time.


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