Monday, June 11, 2012

Merrily Musing Along on Monday

"Monday. Monday. Can't trust that day."

Not sure why, but I love Mondays. Maybe because it's a fresh start to the week?

It's been a ton of months since I last did a "Monday Musings" of some sort. And I've missed it. It was always such a fun way to recap the previous week's events. I'm sure I chronicled a lot about our family's life during the years that I actually did it.

We're gradually winding down for the school year. For some reason, unbeknownst to us, we're way behind the finish line of other public schools. Everybody else seemed to get out last week (or earlier). Makes it a bit hard to concentrate given the invites to play or hang out. Still, it's always good to wind down from a school year...though I can NOT believe we're actually at this point again. Wow! Didn't we just start?

Emily is finishing 9th grade -- her first year of high school. She picked out courses for 10th grade, and they look challenging but fun for her. Edward is finishing up 5th/6th grade and will start with 7th grade math and reading next year. Yikes! It's making my head spin. We're considering what to do school-wise with Ethan this fall. On one hand, I like that kids have time to play and, well, just be kids for as long as possible. But, on the other hand, he is SO excited to be like the big kids and learn, and he's already doing some basic reading and it would be a shame not to grab hold of that enthusiasm in some way....

We had a nice weekend, happy to have Stuart home from Italy (again!!). He's been travelling more often again lately. We'd gotten spoiled having him stay local with only a few trips a year. Since the end of April, he's been on three trips with another one coming up soon. Sigh. But I guess it's part of his job, and we're happy for the employment.

I finished writing 26 (!!) articles for a supplement the newspaper published this past Sunday. It was a lot more challenging than I originally thought it would be...and I have to admit I was more than a little bit burned out at the end. It felt like I started working full-time for the newspaper again. The finished product looked very nice, though.

I'll end this brief Monday Musings with a recent "Ethan-ism" that tickled me:

Me, after tucking him into bed: I love you to pieces.
Ethan: And I love you to "together things."

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