Tuesday, October 06, 2009

4-H'allow's Eve Party

Occasionally I feel like I'm "Martha Stewart" and have achieved her domestic goddess status...and then I wake up.

It's not that I'm "unclever" in the kitchen...or "uncrafty"...but I often take shortcuts and can be a bit "lazy." I thought our cupcakes looked awesome...until I saw our friend's. *wink-grin* Now, I'll take this moment to point out that she's had much more experience in making them for her kids to take to school for their birthdays. Our birthday cupcakes stay home with us since our class size is much smaller.


Cute, huh?

Still, we had a good time at our 4-H club's Halloween party/meeting tonight.

Emily took Earl Grey as a "girl," and she dressed up as a "bunny." Quite a cute switcheroo. Her friend Sierra took her guinea pig as a princess.

There were witches and bugs and clowns and even "Zorro" costumes. Each member did a great job at making their bunnies or guinea pigs look sweet. It was hard for the judges to decide the cutest.

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