Monday, August 10, 2009

M-M-M-Mmmmmonday Musings!

Well, here comes another one! Another Monday! Already the second one of the month. And the 18th anniversary of my sister, Shelly, and her hubby, Tom. A happy day is wished to them especially.

Well (again), here comes another one (again)! Our little "toddling" mini-man is loving his newfound leggies. He's walking everywhere... and even trying out his running shoes. Yes, you read that right. Our new walker has decided to once again "step up" his personal challenges and run. He doesn't get far before he face-plants, but he's loving the idea, grabbing hold with two little chubby, sticky fists and... And you can guess we've got our work cut out for us.

Speaking of cutting... Ethan has also cut his FIRST tooth!! Yippee! It's not completely through yet, but you can see (and feel) it!

The older two children are having a great, if slightly boring, summer, I think. They each enjoyed a date with their one aunt. And we've had some fun get-togethers with other children, and we have taken walks to the park and library. But unlike many of their friends who belong to the pool or take daytrips to the beach, we've been pretty much tied to the house. They've been troopers though and are so helpful to me, especially in playing with their little brother.

School starts in three weeks...actually while we're at the beach. So we'll be doing some of it earlier than that so that we don't have to drag all of our books and things with us. We're also looking forward to our annual day at "Camp Woohoohaha" and a possible daytrip to Blue Marsh Lake.

Edward celebrates his "half-birthday" this coming Friday. He's always so excited to see the second half of his age roll around. He pulled out another tooth and this time let me put it out for the Tooth Fairy. Hopefully she won't forget. *wink-grin*

We finished our week last week with a three-day VBS-type thing at our church called "Outdoor Adventure." It was a fun time for all the children involved. At the end program, I sat with Ethan on the floor of the sanctuary, listening to the stories and songs and reviews of what the kids had learned during the week. Ethan got bolder and bolder and began to crawl into the crowd of kids sitting on the floor. Before we knew it, he was patting some of them on their heads during the prayer. Redfaced, Stuart and I sent Emily to catch him. Ooops. Guess he's not another "shy guy."

We watched The Pink Panther 2 for movie night last Monday and were less than impressed. It seemed to be a rehashing of the first one which was immensely funny. Oh, well. It was still fun enough to watch. This week has Yes, Man on the slate for "M.M.N." viewing. We shall see...hopefully it's good.

Just under 5 months until our 24 comes back for what is probably its final season. (Sniff. Sniff.) Ethan and I are working through Season 7 during our feeding times (and laundry folding). He loves it. Of course. *wink-grin*

Heard from Emily: "Who wants to taste creeps?" Me: "What do you mean?" Emily: "There was a store back there called Taste of Creeps." Me: "That's crepes, Em."

On that note, I'll bid you adieu and wish you a happy Monday!

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