Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thanks for the Memories

There are some things in life that are clearly "rites of passage" for kids.

Learning silly sayings and songs are among them.

Stuart taught the kids the "Siamese National Anthem" awhile back. I found this out when they came home from a "daddy-date" and proudly sang it for me....much to my chagrin and embarrassed giggles. (Of course, Stuart got the "look" from me...and a swat on the arm. *wink-grin*)

The words follow the same logic as the saying: "Look down your shirt and spell..."


(You didn't really think I'd type them out, did you? *grin*)

Okay. Okay. So the kids totally didn't get it, but Stuart made them promise NOT to ever, ever, ever share the song with anyone but us. That meant no grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc.

They weren't sure why, but they agreed.

So imagine our shock and embarrassment when Edward came home from our homeschool group and told us he taught this song to one of his teachers...who beforehand thought it might be a fun cultural lesson to share with the class.

I tried not to overreact as I sucked in my breath, smiled carefully, and said, "Oh....what did she think?"

He shrugged and said, "She just said, 'Oh, how interesting.'" He seemed a bit confused by our reaction so we decided that we had to tell him what the words really meant when slurred together...



These are the times to remember so that you learn when it's wise NOT to share some memories with your kids...


  1. Hahahahahaha. Oh how these things always seem to come back and bite us in the behind! That is hilarious! He will always remember that--and likely pass the torch on to his own son one day,...poor fellow!

  2. I know, Eve! But it is a "torch" that must be passed, right? ;-)

    But teaching it to his teacher who thought Edward was the smartest, sweetest boy on Earth. LOLOL!! I still laugh as I wonder what went through her head that day....


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