Monday, August 18, 2008

Mirrored Monday Musings

Happy Monday to you! Only one more Monday in August. Wow!!

School begins next Monday...already. We're starting a week earlier than usual so as to get a jump on our lessons...that way, Leechie's arrival won't interrupt our studies too much. *grin* That's the theory anyway.

Speaking of Leechie's arrival... Only 25 days to go. Well, 25 until the due date. That's not necessarily Leechie's day of arrival. I'm just about in the the "any day" range now. But I think we're ready-ish. I found most of the infant gowns/sleepers that I used with my first two. I've washed them and found that some survived 7 years of storage and other didn't. (Click here to go to a site with some very good video suggestions for stain removal.) Oh, well. The baby will have plenty to wear -- thanks to some very dear people in our lives!! And it's usually warm in September... It's been very strange to fold such tiny clothing again. I feel like I'm folding Emily's doll's clothes.

Stuart and I got to see Mirrors (locally -- hooray!!) this past Friday, and I surprised myself by actually enjoying it. This does not in any way make me a horror movie fan. I'm sure I wouldn't have even been interested in this film had Kiefer Sutherland not been starring in it. But I'm glad I saw it since it had a great storyline and a very interesting twist at the, it was very well done.

Stuart finished painting the side of our "shed" that needed to be done to bring our house "back into code." We just signed a contract with a professional painter to get the eaves/gutters done some time in the next week. The church group decided it was just too high to risk helping us...and we agreed. (It had worried us.) It'll mean tightening our financial belts yet again, but we know that God will provide. And it will be exciting to see the house looking really nice again. We just wish the timing could have been a bit different... *wink*

Emily had her 4-H Rabbit/Cavy Club picnic this past Saturday. We enjoyed it despite the fact that not many members came this year. The weather was perfect, and there was plenty to eat and a pool to swim in. Plus, the hostess took the kids for a carriage ride. That's always a treat!

Speaking of weather... We've been enjoying some unseasonably cooler summer days, allowing us to turn off the A/C and open the windows. Yippee!! Never a bad thing to save a few dollars on electricity, right? Especially after reading the sensationalized headline about electricity rates skyrocketing to the moon in yesterday's newspaper. Ugh. Plus, opening the windows allows the house (and us) to get some fresh air.

We've also been battling some fleas. I think we're beginning to get ahead of these [insert mild naughty word here] bugs, but it does cause us to feel a bit paranoid every time we get a little itch somewhere on our bodies. As much as we're the "big people" of the house -- you know, the ones who aren't supposed to be afraid of anything -- neither Stuart nor I likes bugs. I think we could easily become like the two men in the movie Mousehunt...check out the trailer to refresh your memory.

With my impending delivery of Leechie, the kids have been pretending to be a married couple having a baby. I overheard Edward announcing to Emily this morning that her baby is a boy. She squealed with delight, and they both laughed happily. Hmm... My memories of childbirth -- while somewhat distant -- are coming back very vividly (funny how that happens in the last month, huh?)...and I can't remember many moments where I "squealed with delight" or "laughed happily"...though I recall being very, very pleased/relieved at the end to finally meet the little person who'd been "hitching a ride with free drive-thru" for the previous 9 months.

Perspective is a funny thing, huh?


  1. Glad things are going well! And the only squealing I remember was when my first son was crowing. Then again...maybe I was screeching instead of squealing. ;) Oh well, it's definitely worth it in the end! :)

  2. Still praying for you, Karen!! Give little Matthew a small, gentle {{{HUG}}} from us!


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