Monday, August 11, 2008

Flash! Boom! Monday Musings

Wow! What a way to start the week -- with a string of severe thunderstorms, complete with hail, thunder, and lightning. The skies have finally finished grumbling, I think.

Happy Monday to you!

It's hard to believe we're heading towards the middle of August already. Ugh! and Hooray! at the same time. Edward has his "half-birthday" on Thursday, and Mirrors opens at the end of the week. But we're rushing headlong towards school and all the activities starting well as "labor day." (Only 32 days to go!!) I cannot believe how quickly it's all coming.

The weekend was spent on the house...again. Oh, well. All a part of owning an old house, right? Stuart got the side of our "shed" scraped and painted. He wants to give it one more coat and then start on the window. It looks much, much better and should make the codes officer very happy. The kids each weeded a large patch of our flowerbeds. We were so pleased to have their help. And I worked inside on reorganizing the nursery and attic. By the end of the day, we were all very pooped.

My parents came over for dinner yesterday. Stuart and I have wanted to grill something for them to thank them for watching our poochie when we went to Long Island. We also realized we hadn't had them over for a meal since Boxing Day...ironic, given the fact that we live about 10 miles from each other. We'd hoped to sit outside and enjoy the cooler weather we've been having, but the heavens decided to open and dump rain on everything. Poor Stuart had to grill our steaks and potatoes in the rain.

We mostly finished the nursery yesterday, too, and we're very pleased with the results. (I'll post some photos of it some time in the next few days.) There are still a few spots that need to be sorted, but overall it's bright and cheery and organized. And for fun, we're going to use one of our old windows to make a photo collage for above the crib.

Now to find all the neutral baby clothes in the attic...and sort the basement. [Insert grimace here.]

This is the first time we've actually put together a real nursery of sorts in our own house. We had a small nursery for Emily in our first one-bedroom apartment, but it was really an outer porch-type room off the kitchen. She slept in a cradle in our bedroom. When we moved to the next apartment (which was a two-bedroom), we set up a nursery of sorts again. And when Edward was born, we had to combine the nursery with Emily's big-girl bedroom. He didn't get his own room until we moved to this house.

But somehow it feels different now. I don't know if this time is unique because it's been so long for us? (All the baby stuff had been eradicated and sent to the attic many years ago.) Or because we're not "new" parents? Or merely "just because." *grin*

The kids made their own radio show last week. They spent nearly the whole day, taping themselves, giggling with silliness and arguing over who would say what. But overall they just enjoyed themselves. After dinner, we sat around the little tape player and laughed at all the crazy things they taped. The biggest laughter came when Emily began reading the weather from the back page of the newspaper. She explained that a whole band of "tropical storms" was making its way across the Midwest and Plains areas. Biting back the urge to giggle, Stuart and I were a bit confused since those weren't the usual areas for tropical storms. Then Edward continued with the local weather, talking about the possibility of "T-storms"...explaining that those are "Tropical storms, dudes." Our resolve to stay serious in the midst of this "serious radio show" dissolved, and we laughed and laughed, telling the kids that "T-storms" are actually thunderstorms.

Part of the show included a "song request" time. Edward pretended to call in and make requests, and Emily -- the radio host -- picked out the songs. And her choices were interesting. For the "man" who called to request a song for his grandfather, she played "Butterfly Kisses," laughing and realizing too late that such a request was silly for a grandfather. So when that finished she played "The Grandfather Clock," realizing, with more giggles, that the grandfather actually dies in that song. That song abruptly ended in the middle.

Hmm... I don't see a career in DJing for either of them anytime soon. *wink*

We're hoping to see the movie Mirrors this Friday. So far, none of our local theatres are listing it. I'm not sure how much I'll actually see...but the storyline looks good. Kiefer talked about it on several talkshows last week. He explained how he's not keen on viewing horror movies, but he did enjoy the idea of scaring moviegoers. Part of the "joy" of his art, right? That's something I've always enjoyed about writing: having the power to affect readers.

On that note, I'll bid you adieu and continue with the laundry, etc. Lots to do...and only 32 days (or more or less...) to do it all!!

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