Tuesday, July 15, 2008

St. Swithin's Day

I had to push off the promised account of our trip to New York to report on another day of extreme importance.

My husband has kidded us about St. Swithin's Day since the kids were little.

"We'll do that on St. Swithin's Day," he'd say when the kids asked to do something we couldn't do.

"When is that?" they'd wonder.

"I don't know...but it'll happen."

Of course, I wasn't really sure if I believed that it was an actual holiday...he's such a big tease sometimes.

But today he sent me a card to say that here it is...actually St. Swithin's Day.

Legend has it:
St Swithin's Day, if it does rain
Full forty days, it will remain.
St Swithin's Day, if it be fair
For forty days, t'will rain no more.

And it's a sunny day.


To read more, click here.

And in the meantime: Happy St. Swithin's Day! (Should we contact Hallmark? *wink*)

Now, what was it that the kids wanted to do?

1 comment:

  1. I smiled at this post with a fond memory. When we were growing up, whenever were impatient to do something, Mom would say we could do it on "The Twelfth of Never".

    There's a history here - when my parents met, my dad was much more interested in a date than my mom was. He, knowing he was bound by the Navy and only in Georgia a short while, asked Mom when he could see her again. She told him "The Twelfth of Never".

    The Johnny Mathis and Donny Osmond song by the same title became their first dance at their wedding. :-)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!