Thursday, July 24, 2008

As the Bump Grows...

Then and now photos... Amazing, huh? *grin*

We went to see our midwife on Monday evening, after a frenetically-paced drive from the car dealership. I decided I wouldn't be surprised if my blood pressure had shot up 20 points or more...but, happily, I guess it didn't.

Hearing the baby's heartbeat is always such a thrill. (It still seems so unreal that a little life is growing inside of me.) And the baby had hiccups, too, so that made us giggle.

Everything measured right on target and looked good so we felt very blessed...and very hungry since we hadn't had time to eat dinner in our haste to buy a car and make it to our appointment semi-on-time.

Our visits have moved into the every-2-week range now that I'm getting closer...*gulp*

It's hard to imagine another little person in our household -- after so long without one -- but I think we're all getting ready...or as ready as we can be before said new little personality arrives and takes over the household for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome awesome awesome! I LOVE baby bump photos! And yep, you are getting close. It is truly amazing to carry a child. I actually already miss it. All of the worry and painful procedures are behind me and now...I want to do it again!! AAAHHHH! Our little one comes home either Monday or Tuesday. He is exactly 7 weeks today, still have about two weeks until his due date. Can't wait to be a family united! And I can't wait to "meet" your little one!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!