Monday, July 07, 2008

(Don't?) Rain on My Parade


  1. What a nice parade! And I would count the rain as a blessing knowing how uncomfortable it is to be pregnant in the heat...blah!
    As for Matthew's name - that's why we picked it...he is a wonderful gift. :)
    Have you started thinking of names or do you have to see your child face to face to see what s/he looks like first?

  2. LOL! I didn't mind the rain too much...just the mud afterwards which messed up our matching t-shirts. Sigh...*grin* We are blessed with A/C so I don't mind the heat too much during pregnancy (Wowzers! I just realized this is the third summer I've been pregnant)...I just don't go outside. *wink*

    I love the name Matthew and think it's so fitting for your new sweetheart.

    We have names picked out, but I always worry about the baby "fitting" the name once it arrives. LOL! My hubby thinks that's hilarious since how can you "look" like a name? Not sure, but my parents renamed my sister after she was born and didn't fit her name. And, I for one, am glad. She is a much better Shelly (Michelle) than Christina.

    I'm not giving out the names yet, but both start with "E" like our other two...and were chosen for their meaning, and/or for someone special. :o)

  3. I can't wait to learn which "E's" you have chosen! I'm BIG on the meaning of names...either with the actual meaning for the family member they are named after.
    And don't worry...other women undestand the "look like their name" thing. :)


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