Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The "Stork" Truth

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum...

Oops...I guess that's the title of a musical.

Maybe it should be: A funny thing happened on the way to the doctor's office last Tuesday?

I'll come back to that.

* * *

We have two wonderful kids, ages 10 and 7.

For a long while we'd hoped for a third. You know, to have another visit from the stork somewhere around Edward's 3rd birthday or thereabouts.

It didn't happen.

Time has a funny way of getting past us. We age faster than we realize...or maybe we realize it but try to ignore it?

And, as I am now 37, last December we decided it was time to stop "trying" for that third. (We had given ourselves until 38, but it seemed pointless to keep going. We felt so blessed already. We have two great kids at fantastically-portable ages. We can pick up and leave at any time. And, as a family, we are symmetrical.)

It was time to move on.

* * *

Back to last Tuesday...

* * *

But first...

Somewhere back in January, I spent a half-hour on the phone with Stuart, crying and blubbering about PMS and hormones and everything else under the sun that was bothering me. He's such a good egg, and I know he was thanking God for his manhood.

I had one last pregnancy test in the house and thought as we were "moving on" I should use it and get rid of it. So I did. Only I forgot about it in my rantings and left the bathroom to do the dishes.

Fast-forward 10 minutes and I suddenly remembered it and the fact that it wasn't something I wanted the kids to find.

A minute later, I stopped breathing.

* * *

Now, about last Tuesday....

This is who we met at the doctor's office:

Estimated date to debut? September 12th...the day after Stuart's birthday.

With one child born on my birthday and another born on Valentine's Day...what are this child's chances of having its own birthdate?

We'll have to wait and see.


  1. I just did a little happy dance. :-) So happy for you guys!!!

    P.S. By the way, Sept. 12th is my birthday :-)

  2. Thanks, Lana!! We're over the shock now, I think. LOL!!

    And I've been thinking about that date being your birthday. Maybe you'll get a birthday buddy? :o)

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. YEAH, I get a glimpse of the little man who will be Iggy's buddy, LOL! But if you insist on having a girl... I guess we will adapt!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's great! I'll be praying for you guys :-)

  7. oh wow! that was a wonderful story, and congratulations!

  8. After talking to you on Sunday, I realized how long its been since I checked your blog. I am sooo excited for you and your family. Ben was born on Sept 11 and he told me he was looking forward to having a new buddy in the nursery! lol!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!