Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's in the Numbers

This is a real 5th grade math problem. It is not a trick question, so don't say that a bus has no legs. *grin*

Ready? Okay.

There are 7 girls in a bus.
Each girl has 7 backpacks.
In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.
For every big cat, there are 7 little cats.

Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

Good luck, and have fun!


  1. 10990... I figured it out yesterday so I can just pretend that my brain is that good this early in the day!!

  2. Yay!! I knew you were so smart! Really, it is a tough question though...you have to remember to count all the cats for each cat and each bag and each girl. I can't believe it's a 5th-grade question. LOL!!


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