Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sneakers and Smarties and Childlike Faith



What do all of the above have in common? They're all part of a childhood memory of when I got new red Keds sneakers.

When you were a kid, do you remember thinking you could do just about anything?

I do.

I thought that Smarties, the little tart, circular sugar candies, were "power pills." If I ate a pack of them, I could go 100X faster...outrunning any boogie-man or scary creature from the Black Lagoon...or even -- most importantly -- a local bully.

Now add in new sneakers and somehow I could fly around the yard like a Olympic track superstar. I had extra gripping power from new sneaker tread and energy from my candy...I was near super hero status, a veritable "speed demon."

And so were my friends.

Childlike faith. We could run faster simply because we believed...in our imaginations we could do anything!

Yet, as we grew older, some of us lost that "childlike faith" and became "wise" to it all. We knew that new sneakers didn't make us faster...nor did eating sugary candy. People trained to run quickly and set records, and sugar made some people hyperactive. Super heroes were make-believe...and for "babies"...

Sad really....

But if I close my eyes and stretch out my arms and twirl around the yard, I'm 4 years old again...wearing my new red Keds...and eating some Smarties...

...and I can run very fast.


  1. I used to think that a wrapping paper tube would become a telescope if only I held it up to my eye. I could see for miles!

    Then my know-it-all sister pointed out that if I opened both eyes at the same time, the image through the "telescope" looked no closer than the one seen with "naked eye". I was crushed. :-)

  2. Oh, "shame" on your sister for spoiling your imaginative fun! :o)I thought that of paper tubes, too, and also that you could hear one another clearly through tins cans and string...hmmmm...

    Gotta love big sisters, huh? ;o)


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