Sunday, March 11, 2007

Washington, D(a). C(ity).

So last week I'm perusing my usual favorite "24" sites, reading interesting tidbits on my favorite show and actor, and I come across a press release about another special screening of the rockumentary I Trust You to Kill Me with a Q & A with none other than Kiefer Sutherland, Manu Boyer, and Pliny Porter.


This time it's in...Washington, D.C.!

A quick call to my parents to see if they're available for an overnight with the kids...another to my hubby to see if he's interested...and it's all organized.

Whoo-Hoo!! Road trip!!

Okay, okay. So we've already see the movie a few times (and now own the DVD). And we saw a Q & A about it in Atlanta last October. But this time the "cherry on top" was that Rocco Deluca and the Burden would be playing live after the Q & A.

It was all part of the closing ceremony of the D.C. Independent Film Festival held on the campus of the University of the District of Columbia outside Chevy Chase (who knew the actor took his name from this little suburb of Washington?), a suburb of D.C.

So we headed down after church and arrived about an hour and half early.

The tickets included a buffet of cheeses, meats, snacks, salads, and other goodies. After we finally got our seats, we watched the closing ceremonies of the film festival, including a cool video sampling of the films that were presented during the festival's 12 days. Then we watched the Rocco movie, and it was time for the Q & A.

Kiefer came out with the other two men, and everyone cheered. It's always so funny to see him in person since we watch "24" and expect him to be in L.A....where we last "left" him.

They answered lots of questions about the movie, about making movies, about becoming an actor or filmmaker. As an added bonus (to me especially!), Kiefer's longtime buddy and co-owner of Ironworks, Jude Cole, was there. (I desperately wanted his autograph and a photo with him, especially for the kids since we're all big fans, but, alas, not this time. He sat in a row across the aisle from us during the Rocco concert, but I didn't want to disturb him...or miss anything Rocco & co. were doing.)

Then Rocco came out with the band and played four songs. They were "phenomenal" (to borrow Kiefer's favorite adjective) as always. We left the auditorium feeling tired but exhilarated. And, of course, arrived home way past our "bedtime."

Still, it's always worth it! And we have tickets to see them in concert in Philadelphia next month.
Can't wait!

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