Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Musings

It's Monday.

Time to begin a new week, do laundry, clean up from the weekend, and change the video on my blog.

* * *

I've become a huge fan of Jude Cole -- my kids like him, too, and refer to him as "Jude the Dude" -- so I was really excited to find this week's music video on Webrats.

Silly, really, I guess.

I discovered him through my interest in Kiefer Sutherland and Rocco Deluca and Ironworks Music. Now, I enjoy listening to his albums over and over. Because of my interest in him, I discovered Lifehouse, the group I had a video from last week.

Amazing little web of interest, huh?

* * *

I loved today's online calendar page:


• tea and toast
• reading a historical document
• the zen of an aquarium
• sticking to a workout plan
• real flowers on the kitchen table

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On a different note, I really enjoyed -- despite a raging sinus headache! Timing, huh? -- last night's 2-hour premiere of 24. Tons of great scenes, bringing back old characters and introducing new ones. Very edge-of-your-seat, as usual.

My favorite line was: "Drop the coffee!"

Classic Jack Bauer!

Despite the fact that Jack is still a "Weeble" fueled by adrenalin, we look forward to watching the next 2 hours of his life tonight.

* * *

Excuse me while I go take some Tylenol and a nap...

Gotta gear up!

I haven't learned how to "weeble" yet.

1 comment:

  1. "Drop the coffee" was my favorite line too. That one and "oh, you'll remember" to Jack's "I don't know how to do this anymore." Can't wait for Part 2 tonight.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!