Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hair-Raising Experience

Hair today....gone tomorrow?

Well....I finally got the courage to do it....

I joined Emily in donating my hair to Locks of Love.

I'd thought of doing it last week with Emily, but the line waiting for haircuts multiplied exponentially while we waited, and I missed my chance.

But that's okay...because I got a chance to percolate the idea this week. And as most people who know and love me would say, I'm better off doing things in my own time. Then I don't have regrets.

And I certainly don't!

I didn't go as short as Emily, but I'll have fun playing around with it and discovering what style I like best.

And who knows...maybe I'll get it cut even shorter next time...or maybe I'll grow it long and donate it again.


  1. You look really cute! I know how hard it is to cut your hair off when it's that long but at least you know that it wasn't just thrown away.

  2. WOWOWOW! I LOVE it and you are still so beautiful!! What a loving thing you did! I cannot wait to see it in person.

  3. Thank you, Lana and Angel!! :o) I'm really glad I did it! It might take me a little while to get used to it again, but it's fun trying new hairdos that I couldn't do with all my long hair. LOL!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!