Sunday, December 31, 2006

Reflections at Year's End

Something about New Year's Eve always makes me a bit nostalgic. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It's the sort of holiday that lends itself to reflection. I always feel abit weird about ending a year and beginning another. Funny, really, since it's only just the next day. But I feel like we go through a door at midnight-plus-one-second, leaving one year and entering another.

We were very blessed this year!

Here's a recap of 2006:

January: Emily got glasses and joined the Berks County 4-H Rabbit & Cavy Club.

February: Edward turned 5 on Valentine's Day, and we celebrated his birthday adventure at the Reading Museum. We had our annual 12th Annual Valentine's Day Tea. Earl Grey (Emily's 4-H project) and Clementine (Himalayan Dwarf bunnies) were born.

March: My sister, Shelly, turned 40! Stuart spent nearly the entire month in Qatar in the Middle East.

April: We celebrated Easter and gave a little homeschool seminar about bunnies. Emily went to work with Stuart as part of Take-Your-Daughter-to-Work Day. She spent the WHOLE day there and learned lots.

May: Stuart and I made it to our 10th Anniverary! Yeah!! And the greatest part is we're still best friends! Edward signed up for kindergarten, and Emily finished 3rd grade. I started this blog.

June: Emily had her dance recital. We went to the annual company picnic at Hershey Park. My parents celebrated 45 years of wedded bliss.

July: Independence Day! W. City celebrated 100 years this year and the annual 4th of July Parade reflected that in the floats and displays. I had my first ever Jury Duty!

August: Stuart debuted in our church's annual Vacation Bible School skit as Captain Chris P. Cookie. We enjoyed the summer, getting together with friends and having movie and game nights. I met up with two college friends I hadn't seen in 10 years.

September: A hurricane delayed our annual vacation to Nags Head, N.C., but we made it down there by Sunday night. When we came home we had to jump into a new school year with both feet -- especially since we'd left PAVCS for Agora Cyber Charter School. Stuart turned 36 on 9/11. The kids joined AWANA and started at their homeschool learning group. Stuart and I headed in to New York City to see the screening of I Trust You to Kill Me and met KIEFER SUTHERLAND in person.

October: Emily and I had our joint-birthday with her turning 9 and me turning 36. She had angel tryouts for the Nutcracker and made it. Our birthday adventure took place at the Children's Zoo in Central Park. We even took a ride on the subway, going through the station at the World Trade Center. We also spent a long weekend in Atlanta -- our first ever "just-us" vacation -- to see the I Trust You to Kill Me movie again with Kiefer Sutherland doing a Q&A afterwards and 99X hosting Rocco Deluca and the Burden in concert at midnight.

November: We plodded along through the month, enjoying Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's house with 35 people in attendance. Stuart and I headed to Baltimore to see Rocco again in concert, this time meeting him and getting a photo and an autograph.

December: I headed to my annual shopping trip with a friend, and Stuart and the kids planned and filmed a funny movie for me. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with Santa, courtesy of Stuart's company. Emily received her Year One Award at 4-H. She spent the following week in the theatre at rehearsals for the Nutcracker and performed in all three shows. We celebrated Christmas, Boxing Day, and Pagoda Day...enjoying each other and the blessing of good food, family, and friends.

God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I notice you mention leaving PAVCS for Agora in your post. I've been searching online for operation comparisons between these two schools. We left PAVCS quite some years back due to feeling strangled by a constant influx of new requirements. Any assistance in obtaining info comparing the two would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts or musings, too!