Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just Peachy

A "We are actually here!" photo!

Well, we did it!

After 28+ hours (roundtrip) in the car, we made it to Atlanta, Georgia, and back. And what an adventure!!

What a band!! We agree with Kiefer that Rocco Deluca and the Burden are definitely worth seeing live! He (and Jude Cole -- though we never saw him) came along to help with the promotion. You can't help but catch Kiefer's enthusiasm!

And, no...I didn't take this photo. (I wish!) We never got that close.

Stuart and I were really really glad that we did go. Not just because of the excitement of having a roadtrip, but because this band is truly very talented!

We left for Atlanta on Saturday at 2 a.m. We figured it might be easier to start during the dark hours so that the kids could sleep. (Hahaha!) We rented a very cool Toyota Matrix -- which we nicknamed "Zippy."

The drive took us through another part of the Appalachian Mountains (we live near the upper end of this chain), down through the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge. FANTASTIC! Especially this time of year. The scenery was exploding with color! And I felt powerless to capture it with my camera.

We arrived in Atlanta around 3:30 p.m. and headed to the Plaza Atlanta theatre to get tickets for the rockumentary. The owner had promised to set some aside for us since we were coming from so far away. (Gotta love that Southern hospitality!!)

The rockumentary and concert were sponsored by 99X, a local Atlanta radio station, to promote its new morning show.

The inside of the Plaza was a bit dark, so I couldn't really get a good photo of Kiefer and Manu Boyer, the director of the film, during the Q & A, but the atmosphere was cool! The theatre dates back to 1939 and has been restored by its current owner. A cool tidbit we learned from Kiefer about the band's debut album title: The name of the album is "I Trust You to Kill Me" which stemmed from a conversation between Kiefer and Rocco. Kiefer joked that they'd better make it with this album, or he'd "kill him." To which Rocco replied, "I trust you to kill me!" And, oddly enough, the album doesn't include the title song (apparently that's not unusual so we'll look for it on another album).

Afterwards, we headed over to Smith's Olde Bar for the concert at midnight. We're not usually "night owls" but both of us were going strong on excitement and adrenalin.

When we finally got to the room and the band came out, it was electrifying (no pun intended)!! You could feel Rocco's passion for his music. And his guitar and dobro playing!!! All I can say is: WOW!

I'm not a rock music fan, per se, but I'm a definite fan of this music! It was so cool to see the group in the film, then go and watch them LIVE! Stuart and I found ourselves pinching each other again.

The band's mascot, and a photo of Kiefer as he was "fleeing" the throngs.
You could tell he really didn't want to overshadow Rocco and the band.

We left at the end of the show, tired but exhilarated. It made you want to learn to play a guitar or bass or drum....

Stay tuned for another new rock band? Right....

More about the rest of the trip tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like you guys had a fun trip. :) May be Rocco will come to NYC and we'll be able to see him too. :)

  2. Hi, Lana!

    He is coming to NYC sometime in November. Check his website http://www.roccodeluca.com/ for the date. He's definitely worth seeing in concert! I think he's going to Boston, too.

    LOVE your website! Your girls are GORGEOUS!!!!

  3. Thank you, Susie, for your kind remark about by girls! :) Your kids are beautiful too! It looks like they had a ton of fun at the zoo. :)

    I checked Rocco's website and they are going to be in Boston and NYC. I lived in Boston for a while and my mom still lives there, may be she could babysit. :) I'm getting excited just thinking about it. I really want to go now. They are also going to appear on Letterman on 11/9. I'll be taping that show. :)

  4. Oh, I hope you can go, Lana!! They are really fun to see! And their music is excellent!! It's produced by Jude Cole (Kiefer's best bud), and he plays a lot on their CD. He's also an excellent musician! Let me know if it works out for you! We're thinking of going again to the Baltimore show next month.

    I'm so glad we are getting to know each other like this, Lana!!! I've registered on your website, and I've linked it to my blog so I can keep reading it. It's such fun to meet new friends online!!! :o)

  5. P.S. And thanks for the compliment about my kiddos! :o) We did have a GREAT time at the zoo. Seems to be the month for seeing zoos. :o)

  6. Hi Susie!

    I am really glad to get to know you through this as well! I am really shy in person so the internet makes it a lot easier. :)

    P.S. If you ever want to shoot me an e-mail here's my address: lana@chenards.com

  7. Thanks, Lana! I'll put yours in my address book. Ours is the4feete@verizon.net. Feel free to write anytime, too.

    I feel the same: shy in person (I was terrified to meet Kiefer in person...yet, my hubby knew how much I wanted to so he hurried over to say hello for us. Silly of me, huh?) but liberated through e-mails/blogs/etc.


  8. I am so glad that this turned into a "dud" for me and a family trip for you! Although I do admit, I still wish I could have gone...sniff! sniff!

    Next time!!

  9. Definitely next time, Angel!! I was sad, too! It would have been a blast to do a girls' roadtrip!!! But we'll do one yet!



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