Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Changing Tastes

My mind is all about the show 24 at the moment. The 2-hour season finale happened on last Monday evening and left us all on a....cliff hanger (something the creators/producers at one time promised not to do...). Now we have to hang on for the next seven months while Jack -- a political prisoner -- is flat-out/beaten up on the bottom of a ship bound for China. Egads! As if it isn't enough to wait a week for each new episode.... Oh, well. In the meantime, we'll appease our 24 appetites by watching the previous 4 seasons on DVD and Season 5 as repeats.

It's funny how this show became a favourite. There was a time when I couldn't watch it without worrying about the various occurrences on it. At one point, I was nearly in tears, sick with worry, as I headed out to the post office. The president's plane had been shot down. I was so worried about him....the president on 24, that is. A little too real, perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the Secretary of Defense, with his new-found underwater breathing abilities (trapped in a car in a river for two episodes), will swim after the Chinese (guided by Chloe and a satellite), climb on board and rescue Jack!


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