Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sweet Sunday

I love this song that we sang in church today. It's a definite favorite in our house, especially with Ethan.

 It's full of the hope that we live for -- that God gives us...freely!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Sweethearts

I love these kids!

Hands down.

They are the most precious creatures on this entire earth!

Yes, they drive me completely batty sometimes (not always that hard since it's a short "road" to battiness), but their love for me is unconditional.

And that makes me feel so special!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shadow Play

I wrote this after our visit to the museum yesterday:

I saw our shadows walking home,
And we were close behind.
The icy wind blew all around;
The sun was somewhat kind.

Walking back from museum visit,
We relived fun moments.
Our faces froze in happy smiles
No time left for laments.

We turned a corner, nearly there.
And saw with joy we'd passed
Our shadows now in tired lag,
No match for legs so fast.

It's funny how the sun does play
With man at any age.
Sometimes our shadows speed away
Next, hide in silent rage.

~S. M. Foote

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ha-ha-happy Ha-ha-half Birthday, Ethan!

Well, it's here. Another half-birthday to celebrate and enjoy!  I cannot believe our youngest is well on his way to becoming a 5-year-old!! Yikes! It goes WAY too fast! (she laments for the 500,000th time.)

So, here is Ethan Samuel in all his 4.5-year-old glory:

Every day is a day to celebrate each other, but somehow having another special day to look forward to each year makes everything a little more fun. And why not? They're only small for a short time, right?

Oh, and Happy Pi Day, too!

How do you celebrate special times at your house?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Do You Know Me?

I found this in my drafts and thought I'd publish it. It was written right after the boy committed suicide in January.


I've been pondering...a-thinking...musing...wondering on some things recently.

A young man in our area decided that his life was worthless...and ended it last Saturday. It's heartbreaking all around -- for his family, for his friends, and, most especially, for him. That a young person, only 16 years old, could feel that hopeless.  According to his friends, he was a handsome guy, charismatic and full of fun. According to his obituary, his passion was pottery. I haven't read anything official in the newspaper about why he chose to end his life, but I'm sure the reasons will come out before too long.

How many people knew him well?  Did he know that? Did he feel special and valued and really known? How many people knew his "passion was pottery"?

Sometimes it's easy, in our busyness, to miss really knowing people. We see them; we interact briefly with them; and we judge them. But do we really know them? Personally? Do we know their strengths and weaknesses? Do we know their likes and dislikes, what makes them giddy with pleasure or cry in anguish? Do we know their passions?

I hate to see a young person die. It goes against all human logic. People are born, grow up, and die in old age.  I know that's not always God's way. But it is how, in our humanness, we think.

So this brings me back to my ponderings...

Why does it take a death for us to really know someone? Why after they die do they suddenly become so much more important?

I've seen my daughter come home from her youth group functions, sad and frustrated. She wishes people would know her better, like her better, actually listen to her better.

She said she starts to talk to people and they walk away mid-sentence. She has become quiet and withdrawn. No one knows her very well. She is an average Christian girl from a Christian home who does her schooling at home.

Does anyone there know her passions? What makes her tick?  Does anyone there know that she danced for over 10 years? Does anyone know that she made it into the National Honor Society and loves to learn? Does anyone there know that she writes for "Voices" and has a keen desire to do public relations and missionary work when she grows up? Does anyone know that she loves fashion design and started her own fashion design company when she was only 9?

Does anyone care?

I know how she feels. I used to feel afraid that it would take dying for people to actually get to know me.

Why is that?

She has a "small group" leader at youth group. But she just complains that Emily doesn't come to everything. Does she know and understand that financially we can't afford to come to the church every time the doors open? Does she understand that we have other obligations, including work and two other children, that also take our time? Does she know that we value family time much more than organized activity time?

Does she care?

Probably not.

She doesn't even really know our names. And, every now and again, Emily is a blip on her radar.

It makes me sad.

It shouldn't take a tragedy to rally people around another person to celebrate who they were. We should all be doing that now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm (Trying to Be) the Saddle Again

Happy mid-March Monday to you! (How's that for alliteration?)

I don't know about you, but I really wish we didn't observe Daylight Savings Time. It really messes with the head. It's like having jet lag without going anywhere. Still in all, it's here and in a few days we won't remember that we're an hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time...still, idle grass...

So, what's been happening in your little corner of the world?

It's been awhile, to say the least. And I promise to catch up...if not today, then soon.

I had high hopes for today. I promised to publish something today, right?

But some days are days that try men's (or women's) souls....if you know what I mean.

Until later...

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I've realized something important about myself and my blog...

I've missed it. I've missed writing posts. I've missed posting photos. I've missed keeping up with the daily happenings in our own little family. I've missed reminiscing. I've missed musing merrily on Mondays.... 

And, mostly, I've missed my old color scheme. 

Isn't that odd?

I loved redesigning my blog in a new template -- it has a lot more freedom -- but I realized it was just too busy.

When I started blogging back in 2006, I chose a color scheme of green and yellow. I love those colors. They're soft and warm and remind me of Spring. 

Now, I'm not saying it will get me writing again in earnest. (I sure wish it would.) But I do know that I need to keep going with my little quirky little piece of the blog-o-sphere if for nothing else but to save my sanity. 

Writing is therapeutic. It allows us to express ourselves with thought and clarity that we often can't verbalize. It's not for everyone, I realize, but it is something that I personally find I can't live without. Whenever I try, I begin to feel like I'm dehydrated. My brain goes in circles, and I feel cluttered.

So I've done a work-around (my old color scheme wasn't available on the new templates of Blogger), and I think I have something of my "old look" back on here. 

Fingers-crossed, I'll see you tomorrow. *wink-grin*