Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en!

While I'm not a huge fan of the Hallowe'en holiday, per se, I'm also not a "Scrooge"...a bit of a mixed holiday metaphor, yes? *wink*

We had fun dressing in pumpkin holiday stuff and enjoying the oranges and blacks of the holiday.

The kids were more than willing (mostly) to wear last year's costumes again this year, which solved the usual holiday "what-to-be-this-year" dilemma.

Since each of the kids was a pumpkin for his/her first Hallowe'en, Ethan had to have his own costume --Emily's first costume being too small for him and Edward's too big. So now they each have a pumpkin suit to take along with them when they leave home.

I can see it now. Edward and Ethan -- standing 6'5" and 6'8" -- saying: "Uh,! Gee, thanks...what do I do with this?" Emily is nostalgic like me so no explanation will be needed for her. *grin*

We did our usual couple-block range, collecting a huge bag's worth of loot candy. Ethan didn't have to do much more than look cute, and he only did that willingly for the first 10 minutes or so...then he was fast asleep. Still, he did his first "trick-or-treating."

And it wore him out.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bless the Beasts and the Children

What do you get when you combine babies and stuffed beasties?

Pure bliss!




Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun and Games

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings

We have a book of Mad Libs that we keep on our dining table to do together after a meal.

Last night, after we'd gotten all the words and begun to read the silly story, filling in the random words we'd chosen, we laughed until we cried.

We had one line in particular that came out especially funny.

I could barely read it due to the tears running down my face and the laughter doubling me over. My family members matched my mirth.

Finally, when I could breathe again, I asked Edward if he understood the meaning of one of the words in the sentence.

Still laughing uproariously, he sputtered, "No."

And so started the laughter afresh.

Ah, the innocence of childhood.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Merely Musing Again on Monday

A silly version of Saturday Sweethearts...I love how Ethan's expression never changes
Happy "Last Monday in October" to you!


Did you hear that? Huh? Do you know what it is?

That's the sound of the calendar pages flapping in the tailwind of the rapidly racing by year.

It's November this coming Saturday. November...then December...then a brandnew year!


I'm sorry to be slacking so much in recent weeks. I'm trying to keep my head above water, and it hasn't been all that easy. Still, I keep reminding myself to take one day at a time. Life will begin to settle one day soon, right? *wink* Sigh.

We had a quiet weekend, which made up for our crazy week of appointments. It was nice to be able to enjoy a rainy Saturday indoors. It inspired me to begin the long process of changing over the kids' clothing. Poor things. The weather has been so changeable, I hated to take away all their short-sleeved shirts, but it was time. And Edward was still hoping to wear shorts to church recently. That is, until I had him sample the temperature by stepping outside the back door. Hmm... Here's me worried he'd be one of the young men on his college campus still bumming around in his shorts in the middle of the winter.

It funny how he's changed though. He used to be a "hot baby," much like his little brother is now. He was born in the middle of the winter, and I used to keep him shoe- and sock-less (shocking plenty of older ladies who made sure to ask me where his socks and shoes were) to keep his temperature balanced. Then he got a bit older (toddler-esque) and wore shirts with sleeves, and in the summertime he was horrified that his sleeves didn't cover his arms anymore. He would actually try to pull them down and got quite frustrated when they wouldn't budge. Fast forward to this year, and I am only just getting him out of his shorts and t-shirts.


Emily had "soldier" practice for the Nutcracker on Saturday. She's a bit bummed that she's not doing very much dancing this year. Apparently being a cannon soldier doesn't require much movement...and apparently to do more dancing she'd have to be in the jr. company which she was too young to try out for this year. Oh, well. Hopefully next year.

Speaking of our girl... She had her "wellness" appointment at the doctor's this past Thursday. She's now 5'3" tall. (I kept thinking she'd grown some since last summer.) If she keeps this up, she'll be taller than me in a few years. I'm not sure I'm ready to be the shortest female in the house. She also had to go for an X-ray on her back. It seems the backaches she's been complaining about might be more than "growing pains" and a lumpy mattress. The doctor is checking to see if she has scoliosis. We're not sure what that will mean for her, but I don't think it's as serious as it once was...especially if we catch it early enough.

Edward had another soccer game yesterday, but it didn't yield any "scoops for scores" this week. The team seemed a little off yesterday, despite an excellent, energetic start from the offense players. So the Orange Crush lost 1-2 to the Silver-Knights-on-Pretty-Pink-Ponies. (You have to love that "PC" team name, huh? No players were offended and/or harmed in the naming of this team. *grin*) Edward was very sad afterwards. We weren't sure if it made him sadder to lose the game or lose the chance for ice cream. Nevermind. There are three more games and plenty more chances to earn some ice cream.

Our little Ethan is growing by leaps and bounds at the moment. He turned 6 weeks yesterday and is full of energy...and smiles. He's even cooing more and trying to play. It's amazing how quickly he's changing. I think that the first time around with a baby seems much slower since you're not sure what to expect. But I have to keep an eye on Ethan, my third baby, or he'll be up and walking and talking before I realize Emily's off to college. We had our 6-week checkup at the midwife's last Wednesday, and Ethan was a whopping 12 lbs. 5 oz. And he has his first shots this think of me...oops! I mean, him.

Stop the world I wanna get off?

And speaking of 6 weeks... Less than that much time until the newest 2-hour 24 segment! Hooray! It's been SO long since we've seen Jack at work. This one should be a very interesting teaser tidbit for the newest season due to start in January, pending no strikes. (Oh, if that happened I think that Hollywood and all of its kind will be running for the hills when all the angry mobs of fans descend upon their fair town with torches and rakes.)

Still, I should post this sometime before Tuesday arrives, right? *wink*

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sweet Sunday

SIX weeks old today!

One of my favorite "little people" songs. And I am so thankful that Jesus does indeed love ALL the children of the world. Enjoy, and have a very sweet Sunday!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Funnies

I like to stay away from politics on here since there's enough strife caused by them on other forums, but this was too funny not to post...and, best of all, it pokes fun a both candidates. Thanks to Susan Smith for sending it to me.

Enjoy and have a fun Friday! - Watch more free videos

Monday, October 20, 2008

More Maniacal Monday Musings

Happy Monday to you! Only one more Monday, and then we'll be in November. Wowzers! Time is flying as per usual.

We've entered a week of appointments. I'm not sure how it happened but somehow both the dental and allergist appointments I made six months to a year ago came together in the same week as my 6-week visit to the midwife and Emily's "well" visit to the doctor. Ugh! That'll teach me to remember to write all my appointments on my calendar next time.

So in between trying to keep up with our studies, we'll be heading to various doctor's, dentist's, and midwife's offices this week. Think of me -- the one with two older kids and a large newborn to tote around -- when you're at home, enjoying a cup of tea and reading the morning newspaper. I'll be the one wearily carting around a carseat and trying desperately to keep the wee one on his schedule.

Speaking of kiddos...

On Saturday, Emily had her first "soldier" practice for the Nutcracker. She found out last Monday that -- in spite of our forgetfulness -- she could be a soldier in the ballet this year. She's very excited since she's one of the cannon soldiers and gets to "set it off" and then pretend to hold her ears. She's got the theatrical expression down pat already.

Heard from the 7-year-old boy this weekend: "If we planted the little seeds on the top of a hamburger bun would we get a hamburger plant?" Said with a wink afterwards.

Ethan in The Matrix.

Emily and I had a wonderful birthday last Wednesday, followed by an enjoyable birthday adventure to the Philadelphia Zoo on Thursday. I'll be posting photos and more on that tomorrow. But we both commented on Saturday, during a girls' time out together, that it's weird to change ages...even though we don't feel any different.

Stuart and Edward headed up to Hawk Mountain for a dad/son time with a group from our church. They had a great time together and saw some fantastic sights and even a few birds. Ethan hung out with us.

Speaking of the "Eeth-ster"....he turned 5 weeks old yesterday. Amazing, huh? I cannot believe how quickly he's growing already. There's still a lot of adjusting going on, but he's definitely becoming a more vocal part of the family now. He's so alert and studies each of us, smiling when he recognizes us. And what a smile he has! It just melts your heart!

Anyhoo, I'd best "muse" my way off to fold some laundry before I drift off to sleep. Like I said, lots of adjusting still going on. *wink*

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Funnies

A little video I took of Ethan as he was drifting off to sleep. No babies were injured in the making of this film. *wink-grin*

Have a funny Friday!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Wishes to My Birthday Buddy

Today, my birthday buddy, Emily Susanne, turns the ripe ol' palindrome age of 11!

I'm so honored, privileged, and blessed to share a special day like this with the best ever prezzie given to me by God.

Happiest 11th Birthday, sweet Emmypie!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On a Birthday's Eve

It's the eve of our birthday, and as always my mind flits back in time to the day my little girl, Emily Susanne, was born. It was a gorgeously sunny Autumn day, the trees covered in multi-colored leaves and a definite crispness in the air...and it was my 27th birthday.

I kidded beforehand, saying I didn't want to "share" my birthday (like I don't already do that with millions of people), but I wouldn't trade it for all the world now.

It's so true. Despite all the pain a woman bears in giving life to a child, it all disappears completely and utterly upon that first cuddle with her little one.


So as I sit here thinking about my soon-to-be 11-year-old...who is growing taller and more willowy...who has ideas and opinions and imagination...who is so special and understanding and forgiving...I thank God for giving her to her daddy and me. I couldn't imagine a more precious birthday gift...a more perfect birthday gift.

I've been so busy with the new baby that it's easy to lose track of how much the other two are growing and changing still. And it's every bit as amazing as the little one. Day by day, hour by hour, they are changing and growing and forming into the people God intended when He first formed the world.

Awesome, isn't it?

Momentous Month-iversary

Well, it's official.

Our third "sproglet," Ethan Samuel, turns a whole month old today.

ONE WHOLE month. Can it be possible?

And it's certainly been a month of changes. I'm always amazed by how quickly babies change from the newborn "monster" look to one of a chubby, cherubic baby.

(Okay. Okay. Don't get upset by the above reference. I like monsters...especially cute baby ones. *wink*)

It's been a month of firsts for Ethan, too.

He smiled his first smile, had his first bath, went on his first night-time shopping trip, visited the doctor for the first time, and even got his first "ride" on a tractor (as evidenced in yesterday's Monday Musing photo) at Lowe's, his first-ever hardware/DIY store to see.

Day 1

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 - One month old today!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pre-Birthday Monday Musings on Columbus Day

Happy Columbus Day to you! And happy Monday, too! We get a much-needed break from school today. Hooray!

It's odd to think we're nearing the "Ides of October" which also happens to be the combined birthday of my daughter and me. Amazing that it's that time of year already. And especially amazing that my "little" girl is going to be 11!! Ugh! Where has the time gone? More specifically, where has my little girl gone? She's about 5 feet 3 inches tall...and can wear my shoes now.

Speaking of little...our little "bud baby" will be a whole month old tomorrow. Is it possible that a whole month has sped by already? Is it? Huh? Huh?? Once again, I want to stop the world and hop off for a moment to regain my breath. One bit of exciting news is that he smiled at me last week -- a really truly for-real Ethan smile. After studying me for a moment his little face lit up into a big grin. And let me tell you this soppy mommy felt tears of happiness spring immediately to her eyes. What a feeling!

And speaking of joys that bring tears to our eyes, our big "bud boy" had a wonderful soccer game yesterday and scored TWO times. TWO TIMES!! I think the "scoops for scores" concept has Edward pumped. He tried two or three more times to get the "anything you want from the menu" option (for three or more goals). It was so exciting to watch his enthusiasm as he sped up the field, trying to get more points for his team. He was definitely "on his game" yesterday. But what was even more fun was watching the whole team play together. They really tried to use the skills they're learning in their practices, and that was rewarding to see.

So just over a month until the next installment of 24...the prequel. Yippeeeee! My sister has already suggested a party for that night. I'm in total agreement since it's been over a year a half since we last saw anything 24 related. Hopefully, the new season will be every bit as fantastic as they're promising...and secretly I have no doubt it will be. *wink-grin*

Well, I'm late in getting this one out I'll bid you adieu and hope you enjoyed a nice Columbus Day -- no matter what you did.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sweet Sunday

One of my very favorite worship songs. I heard this on the "Worship & Praise" station on Yahoo Launchcast Music this morning. Enjoy and have a wonderfully sweet Sunday!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

10 on 10 - Baby Style

A "10 on 10" with a twist. Ten baby photos by 10 a.m. Enjoy! Or, better yet, do one on your blog, too!

8:30 a.m.

8:40 a.m.

8:45 a.m.

9 a.m.

9:15 a.m.

9:20 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

9:35 a.m.

9:50 a.m.

10 a.m.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Contemplating Sleep

Sleep is overrated.

I mean, think about it. How many of us function on much less of it than we should?

Remember being able to live with four hours of "Zs" a night back in college? Okay, me neither, but I have it on good authority that there were people who could. And they still appeared coherent the next day, too.

Me? Without enough sleep, I feel like I'm living in a fog. And drinking extra coffee or tea is no help at all. Somehow I get an instant "down" from too much caffeine.

Having a newborn in the house has caused a definite sleep deficit for me, and it's not because he's up at all hours of the night. I've been blessed from the start in that he's only waking once during the night. But that "once" usually comes after only being asleep for a few hours...and then getting to sleep for only a few more hours before I need to be up for the day. So a 6- or 7-hour stretch of sleep eludes me at the moment.

Still, I'm not complaining (well, not much anyway *wink*) since I know that this, too, will come to an end...all too soon. Afterall, my other two kids -- aged 10 and 7 -- are sleeping quite happily through the night and have been for many, many years now. Ethan won't possibly need a middle-of-the-night feeding when he goes off to college... Well, he might, but he won't be crying out to me for that XL pizza. There are cellphones and computers for that.

You see, after watching the other two kids grow so quickly -- in a "blink of an eye" really, literally, actually -- I know that this guy will follow suit.

Time goes by incredibly fast when you have kids.

With the first one, there's a sense of dread, as you think you might never get back to "normal." But the subsequent ones remind you that you are already back to normal -- a new normal that will once again include sleep at some point in the not-to-distant future.

So I will enjoy it now...while it lasts.

It won't be much longer that my little guy will be gazing into my bleary eyes in the middle of the night, gently clinging to my pinkie and happily sucking down his bottle. Before long, he won't need me anymore. He'll be enjoying his nighttime dreams and moving on to new thoughts and loves.

And it's at that moment that his wing buds will appear...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Wash and Where?

Ethan, last evening and pre-bath day
So I decided that it was time to give the newest Foote another bath this morning. And I was doing it solo -- not that I haven't done that before...but it's been awhile. (Over 7 1/2 years to be exact.)

I ran the water in his mini tub, got out everything I'd need, and prepared his clothing, diaper, etc. for a quick redressing once he left the warm water and hit the cold air.

He sobbed and screamed and basically awoke the entire neighborhood, including those who've been sleeping beneath the sod for many moons -- exactly what you'd expect. It's not easy being so small and not understanding that baths are quick and meant to relax us.

I wrapped him in a towel and carried him back to our bedroom to dry, "grease," and redress him...only to discover he was peeling like crazy and looked like a mini-teenager with a bad case of spots.


I started thinking I should have just let him stay dirty...he looked better. *wink-grin*

So I greased him and began to redress him -- still screaming -- when I noticed his forehead...

I'm not sure but I think this little guy might be an advert for Baby Rogaine. I think he lost half his hairdo in the water when I washed it.

I asked Edward to fetch the comb and brush set we bought him and tried to do a nice "comb-over" for him.


There was definitely some hair loss going on as his forehead seemed to have grown an inch or more. But where'd it go?

Still, it doesn't detract from his cuteness. He just looks like a cute little old guy now. *wink*

A preview to the distant future maybe?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Drowsily Musing on Monday

The feet of a little Foote; photo taken by Emily
Happy Monday to you -- the first Monday in October!!

I've decided that October is my favorite-most month of the year. I was leafing through a store flyer today, looking at all the fantastic Autumn decorations, and I felt a warmth spread through me. I love this time of year! The air is getting crisper and smells clean and fresh, with a hint of wood burning in someone's fireplace at night. The trees are beginning to change colors, brightening the world with their oranges, reds, and yellows. The bugs are dying... *wink-grin*

Okay, all that aside, and it's our birthday month! In another week or so, Emily and I will share our big day together, and she will be a palindrome. Egads! (Am I old enough to be the mother of a palindrome already?) And my age isn't worth mentioning as it's not a significant number of any sort yet. We haven't decided on where to go for our birthday adventure...or if we're having a birthday adventure or birthday party... Decisions, decisions.

We had an exciting Sunday afternoon soccer game. In the last quarter of the game, Edward, our little "soccer star," took the ball all the way up the field to score his first goal! It was certainly a proud parent moment if ever there was one.

Stuart has promised him "scoops for scores," meaning that for every goal he kicks he can have a scoop of ice cream. Well, after one goal, the kid was so empowered that he tried for two more. We're not sure if it was the adrenaline from scoring or the idea of more ice cream that pushed him on. Either way, he had a great time and really felt the excitement of the game suddenly.

Since Emily's dance does not include any goals or scores of any kind, Stuart included her in the "scoops for scores" program, hoping that it might make her more keen on watching the game. So for every score Edward makes, Emily gets a scoop, too. Hmm....guess who's Edward's loudest cheerleader now? *wink*

Our littlest "toe" is growing by leaps and bounds. It's hard to believe he's already 3 weeks old. He's beginning to show some emotions and is definitely more bright-eyed now. I've nicknamed him the "General" due to the fact that he definitely thinks he's "in charge" when he wants to be fed. It's NOW in his mind. He had his first doctor's appointment last week...and he screamed through the whole thing. It didn't help that the doctor was nearly an hour late...and Ethan thought he was ready to eat again.

I saw an ad for the 24 movie yesterday. Woo-hoo!! Not long now, right? The countdown clock on my sidebar started up again. I'm not sure if it's for the movie or for the new season. But both are coming soon! Hooray! Some of our other favorites have returned for their new seasons, too.

Well, the "General" is barking for his breakfast...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday Funnies

Some puns that were forwarded to me in an email -- perfect for Friday Funnies.

Enjoy, and have a wonderfully funny Friday!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wear short sleeves. Support your right to bare arms.

A man's home is his castle, in a manor of speaking.

A pessimist's blood type is always B-negative.

My wife really likes to make pottery, but to me it's just kiln time.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments.

Did Noah keep his bees in archives?

I fired my masseuse today. She just rubbed me the wrong way.

A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.

Corduroy pillows are making headlines.

Is a book on voyeurism a peeping tome?

Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play.

A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumor.

She criticized my apartment, so I knocked her flat.

Without geometry, life is pointless.

When you dream in color, it's a pigment of your imagination.

Banning the bra was a big flop.

Sea captains don't like crew cuts.

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sweet Surprise

So Ethan and I were wandering around (well, I was doing all the wandering... he was just sleeping) Walmart during our 3-hour lull before I teach journalism at our homeschool learning group when my cellphone started to sing.

It was Stuart... with some sweet, fun news from his company.
Yesterday, Stuart's company held a bake sale to raise money for some extra employee events. I made some of my "famous" cake mix cookies... nothing fancy but still very yummy. Apparently, everyone who brought in some kind of baked good got a chance to be chosen for free tickets to the R-Phillies end-of-season "party."

(Did I mention that they were FREE?)

Guess who won...the FREE tickets?

You got it! We did!

So we headed over to the ballpark for a FREE dinner of hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken barbeque, potato salad, macaroni salad, noodle salad, baked beans, and cookies. Mmmmm!

As you can see from the photo, Ethan was well-impressed by it all. *wink* (Give 'im a year or so.)

It was a definite sweet surprise!